Recently, I was told about a super awesome Knitting/crocheting blog, where knitters worldwide post their projects and can help with any questions.
This link was given to me by a friend; thanks Jenny! This is website, where you can record your project and also see who else in the World is working/worked on the same project! This is great for asking others questions when you get stuck. Enjoy this knitting/crochet forum for it is one of a kind. :)
Of course, while I started my knitting, Greg has started his Seattle Footy!
With my knitting binge, I may make myself this! j/k! hahaha!

did you request your invite to ravelry yet? it's so addicting at first....some ppl actually spend more time posting on the forums there and chatting away rather than knitting! I'm peruanachica if you're on there!
this picture is a riot!
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