Special Thanks to Mark Bartlett. His parents-in-law are season tickets holder and were unable to go. As you can see, they twisted our arms to go. With great enthusiam (on my part), we took the foam fingers and I had my Kenji Jojihma(#2) shirt!

Sitting at Section 126, row 24, which is behind home plate, the view was very different to the fairly large people, that we usually spot in the nosebleed section. A few rows behind us, we spotted "Moose Man" with 100's of Moose keychain around his neck! He even had his own personal shirt with Moose Man across the back. On the same row, 10 seats away was a man who tried to phase the opposing batters by shouting incomprehensible words every time the bat was swung. Munching on garlic fries, the diehard shouting man was hoarse by the end of the game. :)
For those who are curious, this was the day before Ichiro got a 96mph ball to the knee and by the way Mariner's won 6-4! Goooo Mariners!
There's a Stitch n Pitch on July 26 (my birthday!). I would totally go to that if I could. I'm such a nerd! You should go!
nice seats...=) Too bad Baseball so boring to watch
wheeeee looks like fun! what is a 'stitch n pitch'?
Stich n Pitch = Knit at the baseball game! Pretty nerdy!
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