It has been a while since our last posting. Life has been a highway with Greg and I blazing through at 100mph.
With Birthdays and farewells, work has filled my social calender this month.
- At the end of April, Greg was out of town for a conference. However, I was kept busy. I picked up my wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses. I also, went to Matilda's and Ian's Birthday Party. Matilda and Ian are dating and yes, thier birthdays are close to each other. I had a great time!
- Valerie: A french woman with her doctorate, her birthday was May 9th and we went to House of Hong for dim sum.
- Crush: I went to this restaurant for the Urban Bite event with my work. The Urban Bite is an event for the local people to try new restaurants. Located on the corner of Madison and 23rd. We were disappointed with this restaurant and non of us will be going back anytime soon.
- Jason, one of Greg's roommate, had a post-surgery party. We watched his surgery on the tv and served Bloody Mary drinks.
- Chris has left our lab to a biotech company in Los Angeles. We have gone to his farewell BBQ and I went to a work lunch to celebrate his new adventure in life.
- Also, I have been cat sitting for my friends Rae and Andrew, whom are visiting Andrew's parents in Toronto. I love their cat, Layla! She is such a sweetie. I rarely like cats, but there are a few that warms my heart.
- Quarter Lounge is a bar. We go monthly to meet my friends, Bobbie and Barb. I have known Bobbie since my freshmen year of college. I am very happy to still be in touch with her. After Quarter Lounge, we went to Iaela's condo for dinner. Iaela works for Greg.
- The day after Quarter Lounge, Greg's footy mate Chris "Stearns" had a BBQ. His girlfriend, Kathi, who is also chinese, is doing the flowers for the our wedding. We had a great time! And great food!
- Connect Cell Group: This is a small bible study group to help meet more Christians at our church. We discussed about Spiritual Power
- Marriage Counseling: We went yesterday. To be honest, we are really enjoying these session with Terry! Thanks Terry! He has been fabulous. Just when Greg and I thought we talked about everything, we were surprised that we haven't talked very much about children. We have talked about how many we want. However, we had blank looks when asked if we know what kind of characters we want our children to have. ????
- Some where in between our social calendar and Greg's weekly sports activity on top of our weekly church attendance, we actually have cross off some items off the wedding list!
* We ordered our WEDDING Bands! from E.E Robbins
* We have submitted our order for our INVITATIONS!
* I have purchased my sash for my wedding dress :)
* Meet with Auntie Lydia and talked about planning a rehersal dinner.
Yikes! We are leaving early Friday morning to visit George and Karen in Montana over Memorial weekend!